3 Things Top Property Managers Know about Drywells

1.    Drywells replenish ground water. 

Next time you take a gulp of fresh water, smile, knowing you’re doing your part to make a brighter future for tomorrow.  

Drywells in AZ are different than in other states. Many of Arizona’s drywells go deep into the ground, up to 100’, and are engineered with filtering screens and oil absorbing pillows making them much more than a percolation pit. Drywells in Arizona play a key role in replenishing the ground water.

2.    Retention basins in your community rely on Drywells.

In the 70s, laws were passed that required all stormwater to be retained on property, that’s the reason for all those retention basins in your communities. 

Once all the water is captured, it needs to be disposed of, by law, in 36 hours. There are a lot of reason for this including keeping the mosquito population down.

Drywells help the water percolate into the ground quicker so members of the community can more quickly begin enjoying the parks and open spaces these retention basins are set in.  

3.    Maintenance is mandatory. 

Like cars, drywells need to be maintained or they will have to be replaced. Imagine running your car and ignoring the change oil light. You can get away with it for a while and the car will still run, but eventually not only will your car not run, but it will also not be a simple fix. You can’t wait for the car to stop operating and then simply change the oil. Once you’ve gotten to that point, the repairs are going to be much, much more expensive and time intensive than an oil change. The same scenario applies to drywells. Waiting to think about maintenance until failure occurs means you could be looking at replacing the drywell and that is not cheap. 


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