Routine Inspections Make All The Difference.

  1. Complimentary Inspection

We offer complimentary inspections upon request. Our highly skilled inspectors will meticulously survey your property to identify and assess all storm drainage systems. Don't wait any longer, schedule your free inspection today and let us ensure that your storm drainage systems are operating at their best.

2. Inspect Property and Report

Site Map

Each inspection includes a site map with colors and numbers to show all the drainage structures on the property.

Inspection Report

Inspectors create a report that breaks down each structure, matches it to the map, and describes its current drainage effectiveness and overall condition.

Choice Proposal

Clients are given a proposal that offers different options based on the inspection report, with varying levels of work required. Understanding the Proposal.

3. Maintenance is Performed

After we agree to the proposal, we'll start working! When we finish, you'll get a report confirming everything is clean.

Clean Report Includes

  • The amount of debris removed.

  • Pictures of the cleaned structures.

  • Notification if further repairs are needed to keep the system in proper operational condition.

Repairs vs Maintenance

Cleaning yearly = Maintenance

Standing water, erosion, blocked drains = Repairs Needed

Service Agreements

Stay Compliant and Save with Annual Inspection/Service Agreement options.


  • Budget Better - Annual dollar amount to hydrovac and service your community/property each year

  • No Price Increases - With a 3 or 5 year contract, you can lock in the price at a reduced rate

  • Annual Service - The maintenance takes place annually, so it’s one less thing for you to remember.

  • Protect Your Investment - If drywells or other drainage structures go without maintenance they will “die” and no longer function, resulting in much more expensive solutions.

  • Large Planned Communities - creating a plan, prioritizing work, and considering the budget and needs of the community.

Repairs of Storm Water Infrastructure

Repairs are critical to keeping drainage structures in proper operational condition.

Possible Repairs:

  • Drywells - bracket replacements, concrete liner gaps, ring and grate replacement, soil subsidence’s (sink holes)

  • Drainage Structures - Catch basin grate replacement, trash rack repair, sump pump replacement, and more.

These repairs can save you money, make sure drainage systems meet requirements, and avoid the need for costly replacements.